My goal is to provide quality handmade and durable items, custom made to fit your pet! Quality gear lasts longer, which is better for the environment, and better for your pocket. I enjoy problem solving to create dog collars and leashes that fill a need and solve an inconvenience in your day-to-day activities with your dog. Do you have a problem that needs solving? Reach out and let's see what we can design!
Anatomy of an Ethos Waterproof BioThane Dog Collar and Leash
Custom is the name of the game. I offer 30+ color options of authentic BioThane. I have 4 hardware color options now, all solid brass: Brass, Silver, Black, and Antique Brass. I offer leash clasps in a variety of types so you can find the right one to meet your needs. And finally, I offer custom sizing to your pet's neck size. I prefer making a collar to fit Fido, rather than expecting Fido to fit my collar. Say goodbye to "small", "medium", and "large", and say hello to 16" neck size with 4" growing room.
I started this venture in 2017 when I opened as Pacific Paws Co. I began by making custom sized dog collars using cute fabric, and sturdy webbing cores. I rebranded in 2020 to Ethos Canine Outfitters. Ethos is a Greek word meaning custom or character, and represents the guiding values that distinguish my shop. I strive to create durable long-lasting products, shipped in eco-friendly packaging, and will have smaller impacts on the earth than less durable items. The custom meaning of ethos is also special because everything I make is custom made to order for your pet (I'm choosing to interpret which meaning of custom it refers to haha). Finally, Canine Outfitters made sense as I can't just stick to one facet of this endeavor. I enjoy sewing, crafting with BioThane, and more. My products range from collars and leashes to custom-drawn dog related stickers and coffee mugs.
Thank you for stopping by, and supporting my craft.