I want you to be happy with your order, and customer satisfaction is a priority for me. That said, all items are custom-made to your specifications when I receive your order. This makes returns and exchanges difficult for some items, due to the custom nature of my shop. Please measure your pet carefully before ordering to ensure the accuracy of your order. Most items are non-returnable, but I may be able to offer exchanges, depending on the item. Please contact me so I can determine eligibility on a case by case basis.
If applicable, an exchange must be requested within 14 days of receiving the item, and the item must be mailed back in new/unused/undamaged condition. Returns/exchanges must be approved prior to mailing it back to me, and are subject to a restocking fee. Buyer is responsible for the shipping back to me, and the return value will exclude the original shipping cost of mailing the item to you, and the payment processing fee, and restocking fee. Please request the exchange via DM on instagram or via email
In event of shop error, I will send you a new item, no cost to you.
If an exchange is initiated, the shipping to return the item to me, and the shipping of the new item back to you are the responsibility of the buyer.